Mar 3 - fly to Guangzhou

All dressed up and off to the airport

Bye, bye hotel

Waiting for a flight is easier for some

This is the part where I learn the flight safety rules by chewing on the instruction card

This is the part where I drool on them

Peaceful relaxing Guangzhou

The things we do to get her to sleep!

Wake up tired, madly shove all our stuff back into the suitcases... Why do we have more stuff now then we started with? Oh yeah, shopping. 5 minutes for breakfast, on the bus to the airport. Estee's first flight, she was great, slept most of the hour and thirty minute flight. Gather all the bags for a 30 minute trek across the airport, then a thirty minute bus ride to Shamian Island where our hotel is.

They call it an island, but on one side it is only separated from the mainland by a 40 foot canal, but the island is extremely seperate in so many ways. Almost every building was built by the British after winning the last of the Opium wars, so the architecture is most definately British Colonial - Beautiful, and adding to that are the HUGE Banyon trees everywhere that practically shade ever inch of the island. The temperature was a balmy 72 degrees, perfect for a stroll under the trees down a center lane dividing the two halves of the island. It is lined with the spreading trees, with gardens in the middle. So peaceful and relaxing. What a great place to end our trip!

Mar 2 - Chongqing

It seems the longer we are here, the less we do, but the more tired I am at the end of the day. It probably has something to do with the fact that Estee doesn't fall asleep very easily, and when she wakes herself up, it takes a long time to get her back to sleep. It seems like she is afraid to lay down, afraid to fall asleep. I have never seen anyone fight sleep SO hard. Maybe she is worried that we won't be here when she wakes up. What ever it is, it means we don't get much uninturrupted sleep these days.

Today we went to the old town of Chongqing, old buildings almost completely devoted (now) to shops selling traditional stuff. Pretty place, right on the river, along with the smells that are distinctly China! (I'll never get used to them completely, but I don't notice them as much allready.

This afternoon we took Estee for her fist dip in the pool. She did great, although after about 20 minutes of not moving around, she started to shiver. But I think she will do just fine in Southern California!

There are some speed bumps out front of our hotel and close to the edge of the road they are big blocks instead of bumps, presumably to keep people driving in the middle and not the edge of the road. We had just come out of the hotel on our way to a much anticipated steak dinner, and we see a young girl, probably a new driver, had gotten her car up on one of the blocks, and her drive wheels were just spinning. So Scott and I went over and motioned that we would help push the car off the block. We did, and the car started rolling down the hill... It was then, a little slow in my old age, that I recalled that the driver had gotten out to help push, and was standing next to me with her hand over her mouth! Not really thinking, I ran after the car, opened the door, and jambed my foot on the brake. The car stopped only a few feet from a huge planter, and about 50 feet from alot of pedestrians crossing the street. My heart was racing, but I only suffered a slightly skinned knee. Great way to start an evening. Some guy, I think he must have been the girls father or something, chased me down to get my address, I think it was to send a thank you card... He didn't speak a lick of English, so he drew pictures to communicate. It must have been tramatic for him, cause his hands were shaking, and he kept saying thank you, thank you over and over again.

Still on our way to the same steak (are we ever going to make it?) dinner. A few of us had crossed a busy street, and the light changed so the rest of our party, including Zach were left on the other side. All of the sudden I heard a horn, then a scream that I knew was Stacey's, I glanced in the direction of the scream only to see Zach, in the street, be missed by a speeding taxi, by mere inches!!! Now my blood was really pumping! But Zach was okay!

Okay, finally made it to dinner, at the Marriott, it was incredible! The steak was close to, if not the best steak I have ever had. The wine was good (extra special considering we were in China) and the service was outstanding!! There must have been 5 servers, and the host waiting on us. I think there were only 2 other couples that ate there that night. They took such good care of us, that the host held both of our babies, and walked around with them when they started fussing. That never happens in the States! The restaurant was on the top floor of the hotel (39 stories) and had a 360 degree veiw of the night skyline, the chairs were thick, very comfortable, and the diningroom very opulent, a night to remember... and right in the middle of my reverie, Piper (now known as Squiggy - see the picture) let out the biggest, and longest set of baby farts I have ever heard. I mean they practicaly echoed off the big plate glass windows! That was awesome, i only wish I could say that my kid did it!


Morning play time

Old Town

These people think this dirty muddy beach is cool! We are really spoiled back home!

Piper and Estee at lunch

Bathing Beauty

Are you sure about this Dad?

Allright, splashing on the edge, this is fun

That is COLD!!

I held her like this for at least 30 minutes before I could put her down. Can you claim carpel tunnel from adopting?

Last night in Chongqing, this is the view from our hotel window

Mar 1 - Chongqing

Hey check out the gotcha day video's I added a few more...
Estee woke up early again... This is her "play pen" while we are getting ready.

We loaded up the family, and a few of the men, and went into the wholesale market to purchase clothes for the orphanage with our donations.

Xi Xi does some serious negotiation, she was able to buy 120 set of baby clothes for about $2.50 each. They each came with two pants, one shirt, a hat and a bib!

She also got about 50 pairs of shoes for a similar price.

She needed several big strong "men", she asked for Taylor, for obvious reasons.

The booty.

The market

Cell phone battery anyone?

Have some noodles shop for a purse... at the same time!

After giving Estee a whole bottle, and she started crying like she wanted more, so we found that she will eat will eat cereal, she even ate small peices of cliff bar.

Estee is never without entertainment.

Today was a pretty slow news day... after the market we played around till lunch. Then caved into the kids begging for some regular food, and went to Pizza Hut. the pizza was actually really good. The afternoon was full of napping... Stacey did about 3 hours worth of paperwork for the adoption. We went to the Marriott for dinner with Scott, Dena and Piper to geve them their first taste of sushi. They liked it, and the place was really nice. I think well go back tomorrow for Steaks, the restaurant is on the 39th floor with a great view of the city.

Good Night


Feb 28 – Chongqing

Today started at 5:00am, Estee decided to wake up, and stay up. Stacey tried walking around with her but to no avail. I had been up blogging till midnight, so I was not at my best. The coffee in the lobby is like black tasteless mud, this means its time to see if the Starbucks opens this early!

So we bundled Estee up, put her in the stroller, and we set off with our friend Scott (Hyper Piper’s Dad) in the darkness (around 6:30) I don’t know why, but it really doesn’t get light till 7:30 over here. It is about a 10 minute walk to the Starbucks, but when we arrived it was dark, the sign said 7:30! What is up with these Chinese? Oh, well… I was awake now. We decided to walk around till it opened, the alternatives were not sounding good at this point. I’m glad we decided to, we got to see a different side of the city. All over the square, and in different parts of the sidewalks, different groups were doing morning exercises, stretching, martial arts forms, etc. Some old guys even had swords. It was really neat to see. Even the old people had really good flexibility and balance. We had walked up and down each of the legs of the square, so we got brave and ventured down on of the side streets in the darkness. The sights and smells (mostly bad) on the mostly deserted sidewalks were different than you get during the day. We made it safely back to the Starbucks at 7:30 on the dot. The wait was worth it, it was the best coffee we’ve had since leaving the states!

We made it back to the hotel at about 8:00 only to be reminded that the bus was leaving at 9:00 for the Chongqing Zoo and the Pandas. We rushed thru breakfast, called the kids from the restaurant to wake them up, and just made the bus with all of us. Estee had fallen asleep on the long stroller walk, so she was in a better mood for the ride to the zoo. Of course there is the 5-way fights over who gets to hold her, push her, change her diaper (okay I’m pushing it… the fights over changing diapers haven’t exactly materialized yet). On the way to the Zoo we stopped at the former residence, now museum, built onto the side of the hill rising from the river, of General “Vinegar” Stillwell from World War 2, when the US helped out the Chinese in defeating the Japanese. I wasn’t aware of this connection, but evidently the Chinese still teach it in their history classes. Across the narrow winding street, was a museum for the “Flying Tigers” again the US helping the Chinese. This time it was in airlifting supplies to the cut off Chinese from Burma and India. We even helped them build a road from Burma, a real big deal. During World War 2 the Japanese had taken the eastern part of China, including Beijing, so the Chinese govt was moved to Chongqing, and it became the capital of China for a while. The pictures were amazing, including some of the few of the pilots who are still alive that have come to visit the museum recently. Pretty amazing connection, and the Chinese there were clearly proud of this.

On the way to the Zoo we were on such narrow winding streets, that our bus had to make a three point turn at one point. Correct what I said last night, this doesn’t remind me of San Francisco, San Francisco reminds me of Chongqing! This whole city, as big as it is, is built on the side of the mountains that form the gorge that the rivers flow thru. We didn’t have time at the Zoo for much but the Pandas, but the Zoo was beautifully landscaped, and it was nice to get out of the modern part of town.

Back at the hotel, our guide Xi Xi (pronounced she-she) took us to a nearby noodle stand, man their not very-spicy noodles were ripping my throat apart! Xi Xi told us that in Chongqing eating very spicy foods somehow helps their bodies endure the heat of the summers. Last year in the summer, it was the hottest on record, it was at 115 for a lot of the summer. Add humidity and 9 million people to that and I can imagine it would be unbearable. She said that if they don’t eat the spicy food their body sweats a lot more!? I’m thinking I might try that this summer… it could happen! We then toured a market, as I practiced my negotiation skills. As i have said we always draw crowds of onlookers where ever we go... A little boy (under 2 yrs old) walked up to Estee in the stroller and started talking very loud in Chinese to her. I wish i could have understood what he was saying, because everone was laughing, and that just egged him on more, so he spoke louder, the crowd grew, and so did the laughter. We were trying to get a picture, but then Estee started REALLY crying (her loudest to date) so the boy started to wave his hands and yell even louder. It was really hilarious, except Estee might have been scared! But what a scene!

Estee didn’t finish her nap, but I fell asleep trying to get her to go down... woke up in time to go to have some real local food. It’s called Hot Pot, the table is basically a propane burner on which they set a large metal bowl. Our bowl was divided into a center (spicy, look how red the center is in the picture - that is pure heat in liquid form) and the outer area mild. Just like lunch, the spice was almost unbearable, but I really dug in this time. I was sweating like a pig, and coughing up lung, but it was good. They bring to the table all manner of meat, and parts, and vegetables, and you put them in the pot to cook. When they float, they are ready to be eaten, then you fish them out with your chopsticks, and eat away. Well it’s a good thing they had lots of beer, cause we were on fire! Mexican food is nothing compared to this. I think I sweated enough for a whole week (maybe Xi Xi is right about being able to bear the heat...). Estee was a champ, she hung out at the table and actually ate some cereal from a spoon! Stacey left a little early to put her to bed, Scott and Taylor and I closed down the place… Okay, not exactly, but we were the last of the white people! And we ate some eel too! We didn’t have enough guts to try the pig brain or the duck blood (congealed of course), maybe next time.

Back at the hotel, give me some Rolaids and put me to bed :)… Tomorrow we leave at 8:00 to the wholesale market to buy clothes to send to the orphanage.

Good night.

Loaded up and ready to go to the Zoo

Stillwell museum, nice view too.


Chongqing Zoo

Baby Panda behind glass

We drew curious crowds were ever we went... Why is there a white woman with a Chinese baby? Thank goodness they gave us a license!

This is the kind of bamboo basket they found Estee in!

Lost brother?

E & E bonding on the way back

They bought me this panda, but all I really wanted was the tag!

Lets see, have a baby in my arms... Lets cross a really busy street in the middle of traffic! This is everywhere! We were not going slow here! And the black car did not stop, it just honked.

More Chongqing

Have these people seen the sun?

There is crazy construction, everywhere!

Check out the scaffolding... Why is Osha bothering us, they should be here!

Afternoon outing... This is Xi Xi.

Of all the toys that Stacey bought for Estee... Figures that I would find the perfect toy for her! We don't go anywhere without it!

First bath she didn't scream thru!

We eat ducks, not play with them

This is the Hot Pot. Zach was pretending not to like it

Our friends Scott, Dena and Piper (she looks mellow in the picture, but don't let that fool you, seconds later she spilled that bowl in front of her!)

I respect this woman, she can eat things that make grown men cry.

James, Taylor asked me to post this especially for you... I can't figure out why?